Ring Song—Scribner, 1952
Twenty-one Poems Old and New—Gingko Press, 1988
A Dangerous World—Another Chicago Press, 1994
Collected Works—Black Sparrow Press—David R. Godine, 2012.
Anthologies (selected)
Women Working: An Anthology Of Stories and Poems—Feminist Press, 1979
A Geography of Poets : An Anthology of the New Poetry—Bantam Books, 1979
Women On War: Essential Voices for the Nuclear Age—Simon & Schuster, 1988
Blood To Remember : American Poets on the Holocaust—Texas Tech University Press, 1991
Poets of the Non-Existent City : Los Angeles in the Mccarthy Era—University of New Mexico Press, 2002
War No More: Three Centuries of American Antiwar and Peace Writing—the Library of America, 2016
Bread And Roses: An Anthology of Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Poetry by Women Writers—Virago, 1982
A Celebration of Cats: An Anthology of Poems—P. S. Eriksson, 1974
Not for the Academy: Lesbian Poets—Onlywomen Press, 1999
The Doctor Generosity Poets, New York City : New American Poetry into the 80'S—Damascus Road Press, 1975
Cries of the Spirit : A Celebration of Women's Spirituality—Beacon Press, 1991
California Quarterly, Poetry, Missouri Reviews, Ploughshares, New York Quarterly, San Francisco Review, Feminsit Studies, Negro Quarterly, Twice a Year, Forward, Art in Action, Masses & Mainstream, Puckerbrush Review, Coastlines, Poetry in Public Places.
Interviews and Articles (selected)
“Auguries of Experience: The Poetry of Naomi Replansky” Los Angeles Review of Books 9/8/16, by Eric Gudas.
“They Survived the Spanish Flu, the Depression and the Holocaust” New York Times, 3/28/2020, by Ginia Bellafante, and followup article.
“Why the Vote Matters” New York Times, 8/26/2020, by Jennifer Harlan and Alisha Haridasani Gupta
“Naomi Replansky’s Career Began in a Factory,” The Forward, 10/2/2012, by Benjamin Ivry.
Bridges Interview.
Replansky's papers can be found in the Berg Collection of English and American Literature at the New York Public Library.