May 18, 2018

Naomi Replansky 100th Birthday Reading at Poets House


Naomi Replansky 100th Birthday Reading, May 23, 2018 - 7:00PM at the Poets House.

Naomi Replansky has been praised by Philip Levine as a “warrior for social justice” and B.H. Fairchild as “the master of a Blakean music radically unfashionable in its devotion to songlike meters and the reality and politics of working-class experience.”

Replansky was born in 1918 in New York City and is author of Ring Song (1952), a nominee for the National Book Award; Twenty-One Poems, Old and New; and The Dangerous World: New and Selected Poems, 1934–1994. Replansky's Collected Poems was published by David R. Godine in 2011. Her poems have appeared in numerous anthologies including No More Masks!, Against Infinity: An Anthology of Contemporary Mathematical Poetry, Blood to Remember: American Poets on the Holocaust; Inventions of Farewell: A Book of Elegies; and Poets of the Non-Existent City: Los Angeles in the McCarthy Era.

 May 23, 2018 - 7:00PM at the Poets House Elizabeth Kray Hall.
$10, $7 for students and seniors, free to Poets House members
The Poets House is located at 10 River Terrace, New York City, (212) 431-7920.